CHIRI’s Dr Connie Jackaman and Lelinh Duong, and Connie’s Lafferty debate team at the ASI annual general meeting.
Congratulations to Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute’s (CHIRI) Dr Connie Jackaman, on her election as Honorary Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology (ASI) and part of the ASI Executive team.
Connie’s appointment was announced at ASI’s annual general meeting in Adelaide this month, where CHIRI PhD student Lelinh Duong won the prize for Best Overall Poster and the BD Communication Prize.
Connie herself received a prestigious ASI Gordon Ada International Travel Award worth $3,000 to travel to the US next year to present at the JAIN Foundation meeting in March 2020 and meet with US collaborators working in the ageing field of research.
Connie was also on the winning team for the annual Lafferty debate with this year’s topic being “Of mice and men: Do mice models represent human disease?”. Connie’s team, which debated against the topic, also included Professor Colby Zaph from Monash University, VIC and Dr Johannes Mayer from the Malaghan Institute, Wellington, New Zealand. Their opposition, the ‘For’ team, included Professor Gabrielle Belz from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, VIC, Professor Phil Hansbro from Centenary Institute NSW and Cameron Bastow from University of South Australia. During her presentation, Connie screened videos including some of her CHIRI colleagues Dr Carl Mousley, Dr Rob Steuart and Stephen Proksch – which were a highlight of the debate. Read more…