Congratulations to Miheer Sabale for winning the latest ‘Image of the Month’!
Fluorescent ICC staining in stably transfected Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast (Mef) cells
Cells have been stained with a Presenilin antibody (green) and an anti-FLAG antibody (red). The yellow colour of this composite image is indicative of a significant overlap between the two antibodies. Nuclei are stained blue with Hoechst.
CHIRI Image of the month – September
CHIRI Seminar Series – 29/9/16
Prof Michael Kassiou, The University of Sydney
Thursday 29th September – 1.00pm to 2.00pm
Building 302:001:LT
“Neuroinflammatory Targets in CNS Drug Discovery”
Irrespective of the phenotype, e.g. Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) or schizophrenia, the most consistent finding in brain diseases is pronounced changes in the functional state of microglia – the cells responsible for immune defence in the CNS. The translocator protein (TSPO) and the purinergic P2X7 receptor are overexpressed in microglia and are known to modulate their function. Targeting these proteins through the discovery of novel molecules and PET imaging promises to provide a new strategy for treatment of brain disease.

Technology platforms
Ultraview – A new laser has been ordered to replace the progressively failing laser 488nm. Installation should be complete by approximately end of September. This laser is critical to the whole alignment of the system and hopefully should further improve the instrument capabilities. Although, please note that data generated with the new laser will not be comparable to previous data. If you have current experiments planned during September, please contact Connie ( and we will organise a time for installation to minimise any impact to your experiments.
Histology – We have placed an order for a new Leica cryostat to replace the deteriorating facility cryostat. Installation of the new cryostat in the histology suite should be completed by the end of September.
An order has been placed for a dissecting microscope contained within a biosafety cabinet. This will allow for dissection of primary cultures under sterile conditions and help workflow within the facility.
Also as a reminder the facility is providing some trial consumables as a “try before you buy” or as a one off if you need a small aliquot of a reagent. We also have general protocols for all of the reagents listed. Please contact Connie ( for further information.
We are delighted to announce that CHIRI and School of Biomedical Sciences Professor Dharma and members of his team including Dr Frank Arfuso, Sebastian Pohl, Malini Visweswaran, Abhijeet Deshmukh, Toby Price and Sarah Chee were announced winners of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin Innovation Award 2016. The Awards ceremony was held at Frasers State Function Centre and presented in front of an audience of 350 VIP and distinguished guests. The award of $5000 was given for their pioneering studies in ‘Selectively targeting the seeds of cancer using peptides’. A short video of their study can be viewed at Please join me in wishing Dharma and his team continued success with this exciting line of investigation.
Congratulations to Nick Fimognari for winning the latest Image of the Month!
Coronal section of a SAMR-1 mouse hippocampus at 18 weeks detailing elemental tomography of Iron (red), Zinc (blue) and Potassium (green) using X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy.
We welcome all images from any experiments generated within the facility, whether it be samples prepared in the facility or through images generated with the facility microscopy equipment. At the end of the year a camera prize will be presented to the best image from the year, sponsored by Nikon/Coherent Scientific. If you wish to enter the next round please send through images to
Save the date
Through the CHIRI-Scientific Research Engagement Committee (SREC), the first CHIRI-research theme workshop focusing on Vascular and Metabolic Disorders has been secured for November 25th. Led by Natalie Ward; Pat Metharom; Rodrigo Carlessi and Hani Al-Salami, an excellent program has been drafted. Further details will be provided soon, but in the interim, please save the date.
CHIRI Research Support Committee (RSC)
A reminder to researchers seeking support from the CHIRI-RSC to discuss opportunities to enhance recently submitted grant applications to NHMRC/ARC or lead agencies, to register their expression of interest with Kerrie at your earliest convenience.
In addition, the CHIRI-RSC is keen to support aspiring Research Fellow applicants. Mentorship opportunities are available.
Facility update
Hopefully you have had a chance to visit the refurbished administrative area, finally providing a shop-front for CHIRI. The photocopier has been moved to room 112 and mail boxes will shortly be relocated there too. Access to the administrative area will be modified so that it is in open mode during normal office hours. In the interim you can swipe in, or go around the sub-corridor. Kerrie will keep the reception window open as much as possible.
Office updates include John relocating to room 111A with open door times still available each Tuesday and Thursday 12-2pm. Kerrie has relocated to the administrative area, room 111. Andrea Johnson, PA to Philip Newsholme has relocated to room 136 and Philip Newsholme will shortly be occupying room 135.
Equipment for clinical research supporting the NHMRC Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Research, headed by Professor Christopher Reid, School of Public Health, has been commissioned in the main room of the CHIRI-Clinical Suites. Study participants will soon be visiting the institute in increasing numbers. The CRC-Cardiovascular is principally undertaking bio-epidemiological cardiovascular disease research. However, you will recall from Chris at a CHIRI Seminar held earlier this year, that they are keen to explore opportunities with interested researchers and joint activities are already underway with Natalie Ward and Patricia Price. It’s a great opportunity to have Chris associated with CHIRI and to provide wonderful opportunities for collaboration. An adjacent clinical suite room is being modestly refurbished through a Faculty wide initiative to support phlebotomy practice. The phlebotomy room will be available to all CHIRI-researchers.
Special guests
Recently, at relatively short notice we had the opportunity to host Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Professor Ian Smith and ARC Research Fellow and Honorary NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, Professor James Woodstock, both from Monash University. Ian and James were very impressed with the facilities and organisational structure of CHIRI. Ian is keen to explore synergies and partnership opportunities and further discussions are pending.
Professor Neil Foster (FRCI, FIEAust and FRSNSW) recently joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University. Neil’s more recent research interests are in drug delivery, including aspects of nanomedicine. Neil is exploring the possibility of Curtin leading a CRC in Healthcare Technology. Please let Kerrie know if you would like to be informed on this initiative.