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Curtin University
Science Seminars

E&A – NO SEMINAR on Tuesday Oct 22nd 4pm

By Judith Lichtenzveig 21 October 2013 Environment & Agriculture Comments Off on E&A – NO SEMINAR on Tuesday Oct 22nd 4pm

NO SEMINAR on Tuesday Oct 22nd at 4pm, 300.219 at Curtin University

Next week: Tuesday Oct 29th at 4pm, 300.219 at Curtin University

Dr Francisco Lopez-Ruiz
Plant Pathologist, ACNFP, E&A, Curtin University
Title: TBA

Ms Tegan Douglas
PhD student (Y3) E&A, Curtin University. Principal supervisor: Dr C. Cooper
Thermoregulatory strategies of the White-browed Babbler

Abstract White-browed Babblers (Pomatostomus superciliosus) are socially gregarious, ground-frequenting birds of central and southern Australia. Living in close-knit family groups, they construct domed nests in which they roost communally. Here we use a range of field and laboratory techniques to examine the thermal and energetic benefits of communal roosting. Standard open-flow respirometry was used to measure  metabolic rate, evaporative water loss and body temperature for solitary and small groups (2-5 individuals) of captive babblers over a range of ambient temperatures (10 – 32.5°C). Solitary babblers had a typical endothermic response to ambient temperature, with no evidence of torpor. Huddling yielded significant energy savings at low temperatures. Free-living babblers, implanted with temperature-sensitive radio transmitters, also maintained homeothermy, even at below-freezing ambient conditions. The thermal properties of roost nests create a microclimate that buffers against low temperatures. Both communal roosting behaviour and the insulation of roost nests are important in aiding nocturnal thermoregulation of this species, conferring energetic benefits that aid in meeting daily energy requirements even in habitats with extreme diurnal temperature fluctuations and/or very low overnight minimums.

Please join us for drinks and nibbles after the presentation.

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